MHF at LIGNA 2023

MHF inspires visitors at LIGNA 2023 with innovative sawing technology


From 15 - 19 May 2023, MHF presented the latest developments in sawing technology as well as its proven range of conveying and handling technology to an international trade audience.

Thank you for visiting us at LIGNA 2023!

Our MHF Panel-Sizing Saw, known for precision and efficiency, was the focus of interest. Visitors from the timber industry as well as potential customers and business partners showed great interest in our innovative technology. The fair provided us with an excellent opportunity to make valuable contacts and form future partnerships. Thank you to everyone who visited us at LIGNA 2023 - we look forward to presenting you with even more innovative solutions in the future!


Gewerbestraße 17–19
33397 Rietberg-Mastholte


Phone: +49 2944 9723-0
Fax: +49 2944 9723-99
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